Moria its the shame of Greece its the shame of Europe.
Photo by Fotomovimiento with creative commons license Moria camp was build in 2010 on a deserted military camp in outside the village of Moria in Lesvos Greece. Originally it was build to host, temporarily as […]

Horror pictures from the United States
Donald Trump has been President of the United States for three and a half years, which gives him immense personal power. It has been clear from the beginning that he will not be a president of peace, but his campaign was too much based on racism and sexism.

Image from Wikimedia commons Author doe-oakridge This have been a great concern to Migrants and refugees in Germany. For the past three months we received similar question concerning to this issue “What could be my […]

New law in Bremen is paving the way to employment and security for asylum seekers
Just yesterday (11.06.2020) the parliament of Bremen voted for a new decree, after a proposition from the left party “Die Linke”, that helps asylum seekers to find their way in the job market in Bremen but also in security

Migration policies: stay informed
Image above by Jan Vašek from Pixabay/CC As we pointed out in previous article, migration policies changes every day in the whole world under the fear of spreading Covid-19. Recently we discovered a site form […]

Covid-19 exposes the migrants situation in host countries
The last 5 months, the news globally have one main issue, news about corona virus, Covid-19. Many articles has being written on how it changes our society, mainly in the west, the globalization but also […]

How does Covid-19 affect global migration?
Image above by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay There are too many that are trying to guess how global migration will be affected from the pandemic of Covid-19. In fact how our world would be tomorrow. […]