We Migrants winners of Diaspora Award 2023
On the 20th of August, 2023 the Diaspora awards were given to the 2023 winners, We migrants won one of the Prizes. The Prizes were presented for the first time in Wilhelmshaven although the same […]

Summer Fest in University Oldenburg
Every year the University of Oldenburg host a Summer fest event where usually the international students try to introduce their country in Oldenburg. This year was also the 25th anniversary of the Cooperation with the […]

Interview with filmmaker Asha Siad
How is it when you are born in a city and before you can have your first memories from this city you have to become a refugee in country 12,747 km away? When you become […]

Fake News, hate Speech, Conspiracy theory Workshop
Fake News, Hate Speech or conspiracy theories affects all of us. Either because we are victims on these narratives as immigrants or because many times we are spreading some of them as facts without checking […]

Black Lives Matter in Germany and Oldenburg
6/6/2020 was the day that the whole Germany was protesting against police Brutality and racism under the “Black Life Matters” flag inspired from the cruel the murder of George Floyd. Thousand of people gathered in […]

Today 6/6/2020 an open event was held in Oldenburg regarding the murder of George Floyd. More than 1000 people gathered in the main square in Oldenburg demonstrating and saying Black Lives matter.Although they were restrictions […]