Image above by Jan Vašek from Pixabay/CC
As we pointed out in previous article, migration policies changes every day in the whole world under the fear of spreading Covid-19. Recently we discovered a site form a private company, FRAGOMEN who claims that :
We intend to maintain our status as the largest and leading immigration services provider by extending our service capabilities and our global presence to meet our clients’ needs and market demands.
Although we are not in a position to know if it is so, we managed to find an interesting Pdf that the company shares, with information about migration policy changes that are current (May 15, 2020). The restrictions have some common characteristics, as an article in their site says:
- Nearly all jurisdictions have implemented entry or travel restrictions for individuals who are traveling from, or have recently been present in, jurisdictions where the virus has become widespread. Some countries have gone so far as to temporarily prohibit the entry of all noncitizens and nonresidents.
- Most jurisdictions are mandating travelers from affected regions to be quarantined upon entry. Even if quarantines are not being mandated, nearly all jurisdictions have introduced additional health screening procedures at their ports of entry. Travelers should allow extra time for such possible screenings, and those exhibiting signs of sickness should be prepared for possible quarantine, even if quarantines are not broadly being mandated.
- Many countries have temporarily closed consular posts and visa application centers entirely or for non-emergency services. Please check government websites for the latest official information on consular closings and visa application center closings.
- Most countries’ health officials have issued notices advising against nonessential international travel generally or to specific jurisdictions where the outbreak is more severe. Travelers are advised to check official government websites for specific warning information.

You can download the PDF using this link here.