We Migrants are honoured from the invitation to our co-founder, Seedy Saidykhan, to participate in the e5th Conference of The German Network for Forced Migration Studies.
The German Network for Forced Migration Studies (Netzwerk Fluchtforschung e.V.) is a multi-disciplinary network of academics in Germany whose research focuses on forced migration, refuge, and asylum, as well as of international academics concentrating on these subjects with regard to Germany.
The German Network for Forced Migration Studies organizes a conference every 2 years, which serves as a central forum for German research on flight and refugees as well as for international exchange.

The aim of this year’s Conference, as the organizers say in their page, is to shed light on the global, regional and local contexts of forced migration and displacement, including the causes and trends that force people into mobility, but also immobility. The Conference will also look at the challenges and obstacles faced by refugees and their host communities, as well as the positive impacts that immigration can have.
Seedy has prepared a thank you video in his personal Instagram account
For the ones who are interested to go in the conference or would be in the area they can find the program here and they can also come and find Seedy to talk about migration issues.
We hope that, when Seedy is back, we will have more important news to report.