The new German draft Law for Migration
The law, if it passes the vote in German parliament, is giving the opportunity to migrants that are in Germany only with a toleration status that its renewed through the years, to have the right to stay permanent in Germany.

Pushbacks and lies in the highest level
For the people that follow the news about migration was known that at least since the beginning of the year Greece, one of the three countries that until recently where entry points of irregular migration […]

Hanau is a city of about 100.000 citizens in Hessen Germany. On 19 February of 2020 the lives of 9 families changed forever as they lost their loved ones in Hanau due to a racist […]

Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027
On the 24th of November the commission published its guidelines for Integration and Inclusion for 2021-2027 with the title Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 . The plan are no more than guidelines for […]

New EU Asylum and Migration Pact
This week we had a new pact on Migration and Asylum in EU. The Commissioner of the commission with the most insulting name , for Europeans and non Europeans, the one called Promoting the European […]

Moria its the shame of Greece its the shame of Europe.
Photo by Fotomovimiento with creative commons license Moria camp was build in 2010 on a deserted military camp in outside the village of Moria in Lesvos Greece. Originally it was build to host, temporarily as […]

Migration policies: stay informed
Image above by Jan Vašek from Pixabay/CC As we pointed out in previous article, migration policies changes every day in the whole world under the fear of spreading Covid-19. Recently we discovered a site form […]

Covid-19 exposes the migrants situation in host countries
The last 5 months, the news globally have one main issue, news about corona virus, Covid-19. Many articles has being written on how it changes our society, mainly in the west, the globalization but also […]

How does Covid-19 affect global migration?
Image above by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay There are too many that are trying to guess how global migration will be affected from the pandemic of Covid-19. In fact how our world would be tomorrow. […]