5th Conference of the German Network of Forced Migration Studies Kicks Off in Bonn
On September 16, 2024, the historic University Hall in Bonn opened its doors to welcome over 350 participants from around the world for the 5th Conference of the German Network of Forced Migration Studies. From September 16th to 18th, academics, experts, activists, and individuals with refugee and migration backgrounds gathered to explore critical issues surrounding forced migration, displacement, and the increasing challenges in a world influenced by rising right-wing populism

Kick-off Event: 5th Conference of the Netzwerk Fluchtforschung 2024
From September 16th to 18th, over 350 participants, including academics, experts, refugees, and individuals with migration backgrounds, have gathered from around the world to discuss and exchange ideas on the critical topics of migration and displacement.

5th Conference of The German Network for Forced Migration Studies
We Migrants own Seedy Saidykhan is invited on the 5th Conference of The German Network for Forced Migration Studies in Bonn on the 16 until the 18th of September

The new German draft Law for Migration
The law, if it passes the vote in German parliament, is giving the opportunity to migrants that are in Germany only with a toleration status that its renewed through the years, to have the right to stay permanent in Germany.

Pushbacks and lies in the highest level
For the people that follow the news about migration was known that at least since the beginning of the year Greece, one of the three countries that until recently where entry points of irregular migration […]

The Music Group SSDD Entertainers
Die SSDD Entertainers sind eine WeMigrants zugehörige Musikgruppe. Mit dem Projekt unterstützen sie junge Migranten und Nicht-Migranten aus Oldenburg.

Rejected Asylum seekers and what they need to know about the process in Germany.
In case you’re under asylum in Germany you might be interested to know more about your faith after your asylum is rejected. When your asylum application is rejected you are obliged to leave German. In […]

Hanau is a city of about 100.000 citizens in Hessen Germany. On 19 February of 2020 the lives of 9 families changed forever as they lost their loved ones in Hanau due to a racist […]

Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027
On the 24th of November the commission published its guidelines for Integration and Inclusion for 2021-2027 with the title Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 . The plan are no more than guidelines for […]

New EU Asylum and Migration Pact
This week we had a new pact on Migration and Asylum in EU. The Commissioner of the commission with the most insulting name , for Europeans and non Europeans, the one called Promoting the European […]